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Leverage Generative AI-driven conversational assistants powered by your corporate data. Safely.

With the proliferation of Generative AI platforms and their countless applications, it becomes evident that the key business challenge lies in effectively integrating the technology's capabilities into corporate data. This integration must be done while proactively addressing and mitigating the security and confidentiality risks that the market is now fully aware of.

In response to this challenge, S2E has developed Generative Shield, an embeddable SaaS solution that empowers you to enhance your corporate conversational modules by leveraging your data with enterprise-grade Generative AI technologies. This platform ensures data security, control, and confidentiality. Generative Shield is designed to seamlessly integrate within your corporate applications in self-service mode, enabling users and corporations to effortlessly design their own private intents fueled by specific proprietary data. It fully complies with GDPR regulations and strictly follows a "no-logs" policy regarding the content generated. We enhance the value of your data while ensuring that you retain ownership.

What's the difference between Public and Private Intents?

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Public Intents

are suited for general goals, where the output is versatile in various context. For this reason, data specificity is less important than variety and quantity

Private Intents

are best designed to pursue niche goal, where the context is unique. For this reason, data specifity and answer accuracy is more important than variety

S2E offers Early Access to the platform to companies interested in evaluating the adoption of GenerativeShield.

Early access provides free use of the platform for 30 days since activation and allow up to 5 people per organization. To ensure the highest quality of our product, we reserve the right to suspend the service at any time. However, we guarantee that during the free trial period you will have access to the features described below:

  • Rapidly self-build Private Intents on your corporate data

    Generative Shield allows you to design, set and deploy Private Intents tailored to your specific conversational use case, allowing you to create AI-powered assistants able to answer to your corporate-specific needs. Explore the settings and configuration playground, set your assistant personality and get ready to production within few clicks.

  • Upload & Match your Knowledge Base to your Private Intents

    Generative Shield offers an intuitive and enterprise-grade environment where you can effortlessly upload your Knowledge Base, which serves as the foundation to fuel your Private Intents. By matching Knowledge Bases and Private Intents your assistants will be able to provide accurate and referenced answers to complex questions. 

  • Embed your Private Intents within your corporate applications

    Generative Shield is not another standalone platform. You can export your self-made Private Intents, ready to integrate within your corporate environment, either through a widget extension or API. We value corporate integration as a seamless cooperation of different reciprocally enhanced systems. 

  • Mitigate Public Intents’s adoption risks

    Generative Shield reduces the risk of sensitive data disclosure when interacting with Public Intents by providing dedicated "filters" that identify and notify users of the presence of such data within prompts. Companies can then control how these data should be blocked or decide whether to allow users to approve their external sharing.

  • Interact with multiple Public Intents at a time

    Generative Shield natively integrates all major generative artificial intelligence models, including OpenAI GPT3.5 / GPT4, Aleph Alpha, Ai21 Labs, and Cohere, giving users the ability to choose the most suitable model for their specific use case. 

  • Preservation of user and corporate data confidentiality

    Generative Shield preserves user and corporate data confidentiality through a strict "no-logs" policy regarding user prompts, models answers, and data used. The infrastructure is entirely based on Amazon Web Services in Europe and complies with GDPR standards regarding the processing of personal data.

  • Chat-like user experience

    Generative Shield provides a chat-like user experience on both desktop and mobile devices, regardless of the generative artificial intelligence models used. Users can interact with a single model or a list of models, compare responses, and decide which models to interact with.

  • Automatic prompt engineering for Public Intents

    Based on the intended use cases, Generative Shield performs automatic Prompt Engineering to correctly interact with the chosen model and provides users with suggestions and guidelines to optimize the prompt to achieve the desired results

  • Unified External service provider management

    The users' access to external service providers Generative AI Models for Public Intents, including the ones based outside Europe and/or not covered by GDPR, is subjected to the companies' review and approval of their specific Privacy Policies and Terms of Service. The platform provides a unified center of control and management of all external Generative AI providers.

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